Information of Trend World On The Edge Energy Data Oil Earth Policy Institute Oil Production By Country 2020 and other oil production by country 2020

Trend World On The Edge Energy Data Oil Earth Policy Institute Oil Production By Country 2020 oil production by country 2020 World on the Edge Energy Data Oil World Oil Production 1950 2009 GRAPH World Oil Production 1950 2009 Top 20 Oil Producing Countries 2009 Oil Production in the United States 1900 2009 GRAPH Oil Production in the United States 1900 2009 Top 20 Oil Consuming Countries 2009 Oil Consumption in the United States 1950 2020 oil production by country 2020 U S Crude Oil Production to 2025 Updated Projection of U S Energy Information Administration U S Crude Oil Production to 2025 Updated Projection of Crude Types 2 Figure 2 In both cases the share of U S production growth between 2020 and 2020 for Lower 48 offshore drops to about 18 In 2025 tight oil production is 4 lower than in 2020 Russian Oil Production Russian Oil Production Outlook to Russian Oil Production Outlook to 2020 Steady progress onwards and upwards Thierry Bros February 2020 Russian Oil Production Outlook to 2020 Energy Insight 3 James Henderson and Ekaterina Grushevenko Introduction It is well known that Russia s economy is heavily reliant on its hydrocarbon industry 1 and it is easy to The Projected Impacts of U S Crude Oil Exports development and production of crude oil between 2020 and 2020 Up to 500 000 Barrels per day increase in domestic U S crude oil crude oil production by 2020 The additional investment could result in increased U S oil production of between 110 000 500 000 barrels per day in 2020 Up to 38 billion barrels per dayprojected GDP gain in 2020 Oil and Gas Production and Consumption in Turkey The annual oil consumption of Turkey is around 28 2 Mtoe 84 of total consumption is supplied from imports and only 18 is supplied from indigenous production On the other hand total oil production of Turkey is now around 3 6 Mtoe and predictions show that it would be 1 6 Mtoe in 2001 0 81 Mtoe in 2005 and 0 412 Mtoe in 2020
