Most Wanted Fiscal Law Deskbook The Library Of Congress Most Update
Most Wanted Fiscal Law Deskbook 2020 The Library Of Congress Most Update and other do civil works funds expire
Most Wanted Fiscal Law Deskbook 2020 The Library Of Congress Most Update do civil works funds expire obligation If funds are not obligated during their period of availability then the funds expire and are generally unavailable for new obligations GAO Glossary at 23 1 Default Rule Most funds are available for obligation only for a specific period of time presumed to be only during the fiscal year in which they are appropriated do civil works funds expire Project Factsheet for Civil Works Budget Appropriations 03 09 2008 Funds for the Civil Works program come from the annual Energy and Water Development Appropriation not the Defense budget Add to that the cost sharing funds supplied directly by non federal sponsors for specific projects and the total civil program is about 5 billion a year Funding Policies and Fiscal Law funds of the same appropriation account cited for that original obligation e g contract contract mod Note originally cited appropriation retains its accounting identity through the current and expired periods accounting identify is lost when the appropriation is canceled or Fiscal Law Deskbook 2020 Chapter 3 Library of Congress obligation If funds are not obligated during their period of availability then the funds expire and are generally unavailable for new obligations GAO Glossary at 23 1 Default Rule Most funds are available for obligation only for a specific period of time presumed to be only during the fiscal year in which they are appropriated Fiscal Law Deskbook 2020 The Library of Congress obligation If funds are not obligated during their period of availability then the funds expire and are generally unavailable for new obligations GAO Glossary at 23 1 Default Rule Most funds are available for obligation only for a specific period of time presumed to be only during the fiscal year in which they are appropriated civil works appropriations are generally, civil works appropriations time limit, civil works appropriations duration, civil works appropriations length, civil works appropriation, civil works funds are generally, civil works funding period, corps of engineers revolving fund, civil works appropriations are generally, civil works appropriations time limit, civil works appropriations duration, civil works appropriations length, civil works appropriation, civil works funds are generally, civil works funding period, corps of engineers revolving fund,
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