Greats CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW Elsevier Psychology Journal Review
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Greats CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW Elsevier Psychology Journal Review psychology journal review Clinical Psychology Review publishes substantive reviews of topics germane to clinical psychology Papers cover diverse issues including psychopathology psychotherapy behavior therapy cognition and cognitive therapies behavioral medicine community mental health assessment and child development psychology journal review Writing a Psychology Literature Review Writing a Psychology Literature Review There are two main approaches to a literature review in psychology One approach is to choose an area of research read all the relevant studies and organize them in a meaningful way An example of an organizing Cassandra s Regret The Psychology of Not Wanting to Know Cassandra s Regret The Psychology of Not Wanting to Know Gerd Gigerenzer Max Planck Institute for Human Development Berlin Germany Rocio Garcia Retamero University of Granada Ignorance is generally pictured as an unwanted state of mind and the act of willful ignorance may raise eyebrows Top Peer Reviewed Journals Psychiatry Psychology ANNUAL REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY ARCHIVES OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY TRENDS IN COGNITIVE SCIENCES Annual Review of Clinical Psychology PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW Perspectives on Psychological Science Acceptable Research Journals Suny Cortland International Journal of Sport Psychology Journal of Aging and Physical Activity Journal of Applied Psychology Psychological Review Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Good sources of information but NOT acceptable research journals JOPERD Strategies Physical Educator there MAY be one or two exceptions in this periodical jh