Bengal Energy BENGAL ENERGY LTD SPECULATIVE BUY New Cuisinier Wells Update and other bengal energy Bengal Energy (Perusahaan) Didirikan: 1996 Bengal Energy Ltd (Perusahaan) Didirikan: 2007

Bengal Energy BENGAL ENERGY LTD SPECULATIVE BUY New Cuisinier Wells Update bengal energy BENGAL ENERGY LTD SPECULATIVE BUY New Cuisinier Wells On Production In June ACTION Spec Buy On Light Oil Production Base Big Gas Exploration Upside Maintain SPEC BUY recommendation and 0 50 target price on Bengal s high quality light sweet crude production from the Cuisinier field and large inventory of high impact bengal energy SOLAR ROOFTOP PROGRAMME IN WEST BENGAL Smart City in West Bengal 25 10 2020 Newtown Kolkata mooted as the smart city of West Bengal As per Smart City Mission Guidelines at least 10 of the proposed Smart City s energy requirement should come from solar Particulars 2020 13 Sales to LV MV and HT consumers MU 163 10 of requirement to come from solar MU 16 3 RED SKY TO ACQUIRE REMAINING 25 OF PRL182 FROM BENGAL 24 10 2020 RED SKY TO ACQUIRE REMAINING 25 OF PRL182 FROM BENGAL ENERGY Highlights Red Sky enters a conditional sale and purchase agreement to acquire Bengal Energy s 25 interest in PRL182 p a r t o f the Innamincka Dome oil gas project Innamincka Dome Project comprising six PRLs Bengal Energy Announces Fiscal 2020 Second Quarter Results About Bengal Bengal Energy Ltd is an international junior oil and gas exploration and production company with assets in Australia The Company is committed to growing shareholder value through international exploration production and acquisitions Bengal s common shares trade on the TSX under the symbol BNG Press Release Bengal Energy Ltd Credit Rating Bengal Energy Limited BEL incorporated in May 2007 is promoted by Mr Om Prakash Jalan of Kolkata along with two friends Mr Rajeev Maheshwari and Mr Navin Maheshwari BEL started its operation from April 2009 BEL is primarily engaged in manufacturing of Low Ash Metallurgical Coke LAMC with an installed capacity of 6 00 000 MTPA Metric bengal energy ltd, bengal petroleum, begal oil, bang energy drink stock symbol,
